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The Activities of Family Support in March

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  • Last updated:2023-10-02
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How to picture a scene mentally

    Every great family begins with sufficiently domestic supports. It’s important to build the connection between the inmates who will be a parolee eligibly and their dependents, and therefore we had an activity for them on Mar. 25. In order to picture a scene mentally, a psychologist and her assistant took all of them with grabbing or drawing an object join on. It then uses this nature to construct a collective imagery, which can influence a people that penetrate the idea and the mystery in the depths of heart.

    A total of 5 teams were entered for the event. By the way, besides the psychologist, there was a 7-year-old cute boy with an expression of joy appeared on his face who caught all the attendees’ eye to the beginning of the event. As a psychologist started to play the micro-film" Spread happiness stably", meanwhile, she wished sincerely all the families a steady future.

    In addition, the psychologist asked all the attendees to grab any object of figure before the formal and shared at the first time. The little boy picked up an object figured of snake and gave a gleeful shout to show it loudly when he saw it. What an incredible scene it is, and actually, there was no matter of innocence for a long time.

Imagination can be very general. What is the difference between the imagination and the fantasy? Imagination is a common aim of action and a systematic training to fulfill our intention in the future. But the steps you take to reach them should be very specific. It’s important to be a person of vision, because imagination can give us the energy to succeed in life. Use your imagination can also inspire and motive us. And then, your imagery state what you thought and the communication of the spirit.

    With the running of the event, a couple both took a couple of dolls by mere coincidence. And meanwhile, the mistress of the couple, her eyes were full of tears when a psychologist used Adam and Eve's story to bring out beautiful love. As the inmates’ folks, someone asks you whether you have been happy in the few years, you can only answer with forcing a smile that actually all the conditions occurred everyday shows that she were teeming with concerns to her husband. However their enthusiasm gradually ebbed away as depressed and they face a challenging prospect to the future.

    Especially, it was inspiring that there was an inmate shared his past vicissitude. On the gloomy side, he was ashamed of his past behavior, and on the bright side, he have a positive attitude to get along with each other. This is the day to make a fresh start. By then he was no longer disorientated, but the experience had changed him as brave and learn that how does an Ex-Offender stay motivated and challenged to the unpredictable future.

Finally, with more impressive, genuine and pleasant farewells, lots of warmth came to the end. That would be the most concrete way for them to respond to the high regret that the family has given them more supportable. They might take a few years or a life time to achieve. The important thing is that you should also be keeping persisted support toward your family.

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