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The Activities of Family Support in April

  • Publication Date :
  • Last updated:2023-10-02
  • View count:280

The value of misunderstanding and conflict

    It’s important to build the connection between the inmates who will be a parolee eligibly and their dependents, and therefore we had an activity for them on Apr. 22, to establish harmony among them. Meanwhile, a social welfare worker (SWR) who was the host took all of them with having an opening play to find pleasure in it for eliminating the sense of strangeness in comfortable mood. A total of 5 teams were entered for the event, including a couple of parent, a couple and an older sister.

Then the SWR explained roughly the reverse of the couple fellowship and played the suitable film to make them to realize that misunderstandings between couples may lead to conflict without well communication.

Next up to the process of creation, the SWR sent all the participants a paper and asked them drawing on it casually. And then, they changed for supplement after finishing initial step. Someone drawn a Sun and the other one assisted with drawing a smiling face. As this kind of manner, a gherkin planting in the balcony and adding its leaves, a rabbit and adding a bow was finished in succession. The SWR encouraged them showing what they like and dislike, for getting the meaning "We might produce misunderstandings when receiving friendly response without realizing what someone’s original intention."

Finally, with more impressive, genuine and pleasant farewells, lots of warmth came to the end. Finally, with more impressive, genuine and pleasant of farewells, lots of warmth came to the end. And we wish sincerely that all inmates will pass the parole successfully.

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