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Bade Minimum-Security Prison, Agency of Corrections, Ministry of Justice:Back to homepage


Correctional Institutes Promoted Inmates’ Quality of Living as a Demonstration of Modern Human Right and Justice

  • Publication Date :
  • Last updated:2023-10-02
  • View count:1047

Correctional Institutes Promoted Inmates’ Quality of Living as a Demonstration of Modern Human Right and Justice


Despite the fact that correctional institutes has limited infrastructure and are facing the difficulty of over admission of inmates, the Agency of Corrections is actively promoting the “A Bed per Person” program. This program will be executed in stages and is expected to promote inmates’ living quality with the consideration of practicality and safe custody. In 2016, 9,465 beds were installed. There are totally 24,833 beds for inmates now and the bed installation rate is 43.66% (calculation based on the designated quota). Eighteen of the correctional institutes have already achieved the target of “A Bed per Person”.


The above-mentioned “A Bed per Person” correctional institutes are: Mingde Minimum-Security Prison, Zihciang Minimum-Security Prison, Bade Minimum-Security Prison, Taoyuan Reform School, Changhua Reform School, Chengjheng High School, Ming Yang High School, Taipei Juvenile Detention House, Tainan Juvenile Detention House, Taichung Women’s Prison, Kaohsiung Women’s Prison, Tainan Second Prison, Lyudao Prison, Kinmen Prison, Taichung Drug Abuser Treatment Center, Kaohsiung Drug Abuser Treatment Center, Taitung Drug Abuser Treatment Center and Yanwan Training Institute.


Prison and institute management can partially represent how civilized a country is, and it is a matter of the country’s international image. It is the worldwide-agreed human right that inmates of correctional institutes should be given an appropriate living environment. Although, due to the infrastructure limitation of correctional institutes, the improvement cannot be done instantly, yet, the Agency of Correction keeps improving inmates’ living environment to meet a decent standard of human right and to fulfill the principle of humanity through institute reconstruction and expansion projects.

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