Operation Business
- Publication Date :
- Last updated:2023-10-02
- View count:1732
(1)Developing self-run operation with keen competition
A. Efficiently using the vast operating area to grow pesticide-free and high-quality crops.
B. The agricultural products we grow, such as sweet potatoes as well as sweet corn are mostly seasonal and local. Planting methods do not pollute the environment, does not destroy the ecology, and can provide consumers health and safety of agricultural products, non-toxic production methods. With the times, in line with the current focus on health and food safety of the trend.
(2)Establishing the evaluation committee of inmates’stone-sculptures
The valuation committee is responsible for carrying out the purchase procedures for stone-sculpting equipment and materials as well as setting a price on each stone-sculpture in reflection of their evaluation. The administration counts on the committee to set prices that allow reasonable profits, while bring up the sales volume. In this way both the institution’s income and inmates’ labor allowances will increase.
(3)Out of hired worker
Located in Taoyuan City Guishan District, near the industrial and commercial development, factories, it is the development of industrial-type foreign service monitoring, operations focus on the development of foreign service employees.